Healing Foods for the Digestive System: Green Masala Chai



Dear Readers,

Eating Disorders are accompanied by Digestive Health Problems. In a lot of cases digestion issues can also contribute to further anxiety, create pain and discomfort. Dietitians working with eating disorder patients should really address these problems, and not brush them aside, and label them as ED behaviors. It will be helpful, if they can start to incorporate digestive friendly foods and recipes into patient’s Eating Plan. This will help with digestive discomfort and will make eating more easy.

Good health begins with a healthy digestive system

I would like to share a recipe with you by Belinda Blake and Nicola Moore. This comes from ION workshop , ‘Healing Foods for the Digestive Health.’ 

institute_30 ION

This is a super drink, excellent for those who are trying to ween themselves off caffeine and suffer from abdominal discomfort . It’s also excellent for balmy nights in Ramadan, before one rushes off to mosque for night prayers.


Green Masala Chai


Recipe adopted from Masala Chai in ‘Spices’, Sophie Grigson

Serves 3-4


Sophie Grigson


8 green cardamom pods

1tsp fennel seeds

4 cloves

8 black peppercorns

5mm piece fresh ginger root, chopped

500 ml water

1 tbs green teagreen-tea-chai-copy_1

500 ml milk (author used almond milk)

sugar to taste



In order to help release the flavours and oils, the spices need to be gently bruised (this is best done using a pestle and mortar).

Put all the spices into a small saucepan and add the rest of the ingredients. Bring to the boil, then gently simmer for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Strain off the spices and sweeten if necessary.

4 thoughts on “Healing Foods for the Digestive System: Green Masala Chai

  1. Amy says:

    Oops, I tried to read this post but it said nothing could be found. I’m curious because even though I have been recovered from an eating disorder for many many years, I still tend to have digestive problems because of my anxiety.

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